

[Diesel] is a popular choice among leading companies for its ability to provide a secure and extendable query builder and ORM in Rust. It is utilized by notable names like, lemmy, vaultwarden, cloudflare, and oxide computer.



Diesel-Async is an extension for Diesel ORM that provides asynchronous connections using pure Rust. While it can offer benefits such as faster response times, and better scalability, it may not always be the best choice for every application or scenario.


Improvements to Compiler Error Generation in Rustc

I work on developing extension points in rustc, the Rust compiler, that allow developers to define their own compiler error messages for certain situations. This might help someday to further improve the error messages emitted by the compiler for trait heavy crates, that perform computations at compile time using the type system. As part of this work I wrote a RFC to introduce such a mechanism into the compiler.



Wundergraph was an innovative project that provided a platform for easy exposure of databases through a GraphQL interface in a Rust application. By generating a static schema at compile time, it allowed developers to easily interact with their databases using GraphQL. The strict validation of all possible queries ensured that only valid queries were accepted, making the system more secure and reliable.



In the past, I worked on Mirakel an Android app designed to simplify and streamline task management. The app seamlessly synced with TaskWarrior and CalDAV for efficient task organization.
